Electric bed

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The importance of Comfort in Electric Beds


This is certainly the most important element to consider. At the same time, one has to be careful since its interpretation is complex. Some users perceive comfort at a physical level, in terms of the physical contact between the body and the surface on which the person lies (i.e. mattress comfort). In fact, in order to maximize comfort, the occupational therapist must also be concerned with the type of mattress, which seems to be as important, if not more, than the type of bed. Others perceive comfort in terms of the dynamic sensation felt when the bed is elevated or when it is adjusted at the head or foot (i.e. comfort experienced from change of position). And again, other users interpret comfort globally at a psychological level, in other words by considering the bed as contributing to an improvement in the quality of life (i.e. comfort while engaging in self-care activities). Therefore, it appears that comfort is an element that an occupational therapist must discuss in detail with the user.

Electric Beds - Top Important Elements

Top 3 Elements on the electric Beds

1.- Comfort : The comfort is the top rated elment that consumers look when buying an electric bed. this is very importat cuz the people spend all the day en the electric bed, eat, dress.
2.- Ease of Use: the easy of use in an electric bed was top rated because most of the poeple that needs and electric bed have mor ethan 6 years and most of the net very interested in thecnology, so id the electryc bed is easier to use is better to this poeple
3.- Security: this is an implicit, but top rated element in the decision between the electric beds, tghe people need to be secure because they already feel in danger about their condition and needs a kind of electric bed that makes them feel confident with thei daily routine.

More top rated Electric Beds elements:

Easy maintenance

Electric Beds- general Intro

Electric Beds general info:

An increasing number of severely disabled people living in the community ae using fully adjustable electric beds to facilitate bed mobility and transfers. A fully adjustable electric bed is a type of bed that provides three different types of adjustments: bed height and angle adjustment of the head and foot of the bed. The products available on the market vary according to different features, such as minimum and maximum height, sturdiness, dimensions, operating speed and braking system. What is the level of satisfaction of electric bed users who spend an average of 10 to 12 hours a day in bed, where they sleep, dress, wash and occasionally eat?
pational therapists from four regions in Quebec.